Main Calendar
Patten Pioneer Days - Day 6, Aug 10th
9am United Methodist Women's Club Homemade Pie & Yard Sale Location: Methodist Church 10am Patten Pioneer Parade Theme: American Pride! Shriner cars will be joining us Line up starts at 9am Mill Road Location: Main St Patten 11am-3pm Patten Academy ...
Annual Bean Hole Bean Dinner
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Always the second Saturday in August Bean-hole baked beans like the river drivers used to do it Maine’s own “red” hot dogs Maine’s “Bake-well Cream” Biscuits made and baked by the open fire Coleslaw Gingerbread made by our own local ladies Coffee ...
Tyler Healy Band Live at Shin Pond Village
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
We are so excited to welcome the Tyler Healy Band to The Village for a night of live music.
Trish King live at the Big Moose Inn
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Come in and listen to some music and enjoy some good food
Breezy Hill Music at Knife Edge Brewing
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Breezy Hill Music at Knife Edge Brewing! Make your plans to venture up this way today. 207-723-8904
Nesowadehunk Freshwater Bioblitz
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
In the heart of summer, the sun-touched waters of rivers and streams beckon both visitors and terrestrial wildlife alike to retreat from the heat and refresh themselves with a cool swim. But many plants and animals have adapted to spend their entire ...
Patten Pioneer Days - Day 7, Aug 11th
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
8am-11am Katahdin Lodge of Masons Breakfast Location: Masons Lodge in Patten 9am Patten ATV Club 8th Dustin Harris Annual Poker Run Location: Outpost on Barleyville Road 12pm Auction Patten Historical Society Location: 38 Main Street