Katahdin Gear Library
215 Penobscot Avenue
On Tuesday July 30th, we will set off on our overnight mountain biking adventure! We will begin our day bright and early at Katahdin Gear Library in Millinocket, where we will discuss our day and activities ahead, as well as do a gear check as a group to ensure everybody is prepared appropriately for our adventure. We will go over all gear and equipment and load it into our vehicle.
This trip will consist of two afternoons of easy trail riding in the northern end of the region, plus 2 nights of tent camping, all within the Patten/Mt. Chase area. Access to an outhouse will be available, but no running water.
Transportation: Transportation from Katahdin Gear Library, to our campsite and biking locations, and back to KGL will be provided. A pickup location in the north end of the region can be arranged if desired.
Food: Food will be provided beginning with dinner the evening of the 30th, through breakfast on the 1st. We ask that your child come prepared the first day having had a nutritious breakfast, plus a bagged lunch packed for our first day on the trails and any extra snacks your child may want throughout the trip. However, we believe that access to the outdoors is for everyone and do not want food to be a barrier for this trip, so please let us know if you need assistance.
Gear: Tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, cooking tools, and all other necessary gear to comfortably spend 2 nights outdoors will be provided. All bikes and helmets are provided unless your child chooses to bring their own. If your child has a bike, helmet, tent, sleeping bag, or any other camping gear they would prefer to bring please just let us know in the registration form or send an email. We just ask your child come prepared with weather-appropriate clothing and any comfort items they may want for our trip. A detailed packing list will be sent upon registration. Helmets are mandatory!
Please email Dan (dan@outdoorsi.org) with any questions or concerns.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024 6:00 AM - Thursday, August 1, 2024 5:00 PM
On Tuesday July 30th, we will set off on our overnight mountain biking adventure! We will begin our day bright and early at Katahdin Gear Library in Millinocket, where we will discuss our day and activities ahead, as well as do a gear check as a group to ensure everybody is prepared appropriately for our adventure. We will go over all gear and equipment and load it into our vehicle.
This trip will consist of two afternoons of easy trail riding in the northern end of the region, plus 2 nights of tent camping, all within the Patten/Mt. Chase area. Access to an outhouse will be available, but no running water.
Transportation: Transportation from Katahdin Gear Library, to our campsite and biking locations, and back to KGL will be provided. A pickup location in the north end of the region can be arranged if desired.
Food: Food will be provided beginning with dinner the evening of the 30th, through breakfast on the 1st. We ask that your child come prepared the first day having had a nutritious breakfast, plus a bagged lunch packed for our first day on the trails and any extra snacks your child may want throughout the trip. However, we believe that access to the outdoors is for everyone and do not want food to be a barrier for this trip, so please let us know if you need assistance.
Gear: Tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, cooking tools, and all other necessary gear to comfortably spend 2 nights outdoors will be provided. All bikes and helmets are provided unless your child chooses to bring their own. If your child has a bike, helmet, tent, sleeping bag, or any other camping gear they would prefer to bring please just let us know in the registration form or send an email. We just ask your child come prepared with weather-appropriate clothing and any comfort items they may want for our trip. A detailed packing list will be sent upon registration. Helmets are mandatory!
Please email Dan (dan@outdoorsi.org) with any questions or concerns.